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Skol 16,5 olmuş. Tuzlu fıstık Migros 200 gr 2,95. Toplam 19,45 TL
Kaç para oldu bu kombo?
gunde 30 zeytin yerim
Ben kötü çocuğum
Şansına küs
Haber vermem belayım ben
Gelirim hemen
Understanding the Lyrics

The lines you've shared seem to be lyrics from a song, conveying a sense of self-awareness and spontaneity. The speaker identifies as a "bad boy," someone who may not always follow conventional paths or expectations. The mention of being unlucky ("Şansına küs") suggests a feeling of disenchantment or frustration with fate. Declaring "Haber vermem belayım ben" implies a certain unpredictability or danger associated with the speaker, who doesn't warn before causing trouble. Finally, "Gelirim hemen" indicates a readiness to act or appear suddenly, reinforcing the theme of unpredictability.

Exploring the Themes

1. Self-Identity: The speaker’s declaration of being a "bad boy" reflects a deep self-awareness and acceptance of their nature, even if it's unconventional or frowned upon by society.

2. Fate and Discontent: The expression "Şansına küs" can be a metaphor for life's unpredictable challenges. It might represent a feeling of being at odds with fate or luck.

3. Unpredictability: The line "Haber vermem belayım ben" can be seen as a bold statement of unpredictability. It suggests a lifestyle or attitude where actions are spontaneous and possibly disruptive.

4. Readiness to Act: "Gelirim hemen" portrays a sense of immediacy and responsiveness. It can symbolize a willingness to confront challenges or opportunities without hesitation.

Reflective Analysis

- Cultural Representation: These lyrics could be reflective of a cultural or generational attitude that values spontaneity, rebellion, and a certain disregard for societal norms.
- Psychological Perspective: From a psychological standpoint, this could indicate a thrill-seeking personality, someone who finds excitement in unpredictability and risk-taking.
- Philosophical Viewpoint: Philosophically, this aligns with existential themes – defining one's essence through actions and choices rather than adhering to predefined roles or expectations.


In summary, the lyrics paint a picture of an individual who embraces their unconventional traits, challenges fate, and acts spontaneously. This reflects broader themes of self-identity, fate, unpredictability, and readiness that resonate across various cultural, psychological, and philosophical contexts.
Gelirim kızlar naz eyleme.